Quality Mass Relatability

Quality Mass Relatability (QMR)
Is Our Product

“Quality Mass Relatabilty” (QMR) in the Art of Communicating or Connecting with most people at the same time, be it in consumer products, film, literature, music, and many other endeavors, be the people, them a consumer, a relative, lover, friend or business associate, all taken in their proper perspective.

The origin of ” Quality Mass Relatability” is the belief that people are more the same than different, and have had similar experiences, however, in different ways and venues in life. First it begins with Truth & Feelings. Nothing hits harder, deeper, nor is more relatable, interesting, educational, and marketable than the truth, or as powerful feelings.

The truth is formed, displayed, sometimes with very deep hidden messages for the very sophisticated person or consumer, bur still with solid simple meaning for the not so sophisticated person or consumer. Add quality hooks and catchiness, then you have a product of feelings most people can personally relate to, that remains in the mind, and you have our product, “Quality Mass Relatability”

The focus of Mitchbal Creative Enterprise’s mission is to touch people of different backgrounds through various kinds of products via common denominator, Truth, Understanding, Curiosity, Quality, & Feelings.

One of Mitchbal’s Creative Enterprise’s mission is to assist individuals or companies to develop and maintain a higher degree of excellence in their endeavors. Our intention is to timely study and help develop client product and ways in which personnel, talents and resources can be successfully integrated into the common purpose of client, product and goals, adding value, not cost, to client and objectives.

Nemiah “Mitchbal” Mitchell Jr., C.E.O of Mitchbal Creative Enterprise, has been gifted with an ability to understand those things that are not immediately logical, and a capacity to project oneself into other positions without losing perspective with a skill in predicting human behavior and reactions.


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